Do not forget the decorative elements
Bedroom with two convertible cots for twins with mobile bedrails.
The kids bedrooms for twins exist, too. Use the cots for twins by @mueblesros. Two cots which turn into 190×90 beds. Take the maximum advantage of each furniture piece until your kids are grown up!
All you need is available in our new collections MOOD ROS MINI. Choose one of our wardrobes! Make up your bedroom that suits your tastes, with your favourite colours and the perfect combination.
You can also choose a desk with a toy box and stools to complete your kids’ bedroom.
¡We love having all the complements available so that families can decorate and personalize the bedroom!
If you love decoration, you are at the right website. You can create your bedroom for twins from beginning to end, with wallpaper, bedding, cushions and other decorative complements like pictures and drawings.