We care for our environment with the aim to create a better home for our children today. The manufacturing process at ROS is environmentally friendly and we keep on working to reduce the impact of our company to nature and pollution. Do you know how?
- 30% of the power consumption used by our productive plant is generated by the solar panels installed on the roof of the company. Our prevision in the following two years is to install more panels in order to self-generate 50% of the energy that ROS consumes.

- ZERO WASTE: we reuse 70% of the waste and we recycle the rest until reaching a final waste closet o zero. The last investments in the company have been devoted to optimize the cutting of the materials and to track and control the remmants in the process in order to reuse them in a controlled way. The smallest residual cuttings are used for the heating. We do not throw anything away with the aim of providing to our customers a high-quality product at the cheapest prices. We tell you how in this post: (post amb imatges de com es reutilitzen les sobres per a la combustió i com s’etiqueten els retalls.)
- Quality: sustainability is also reached by the quality of the material we use. The single-use product is very expensive for the environment. ROS offers a competitive product with a long-lasting quality, you can use and reuse the furniture you buy as many times as you wish.
- Sustainable melamine: the particles of our boards come from controlled plantations in accordance to EN – 13501-1 You can read further in this post: melamine and sustainability. .
- Water-based UV lacquers, free of any toxical substances and totally harmless for the health.
Furthermore, we are developing a project together with the UPC (Technical University of Catalonia) and HP with the purpose of developing an innovative and suistainable packaging.